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Helensburgh Bethesda
The Bethesda Evangelical Church sprang from the same origins as the Baptist Church, and its persuasion is that of the Open Christian Brethren. In 1931 Bethesda Hall at 30 Colquhoun Street was bought, and it remains in service.Photo by Professor John Hume.

Helensburgh Bethesda

The Bethesda Evangelical Church sprang from the same origins as the Baptist Church, and its persuasion is that of the Open Christian Brethren. In 1931 Bethesda Hall at 30 Colquhoun Street was bought, and it remains in service.Photo by Professor John Hume.

Baptist-Church-w.jpg Baptist_Cruise0761.jpg Bethesda-w.jpg Cardross-Parish-Church-w.jpg Cardross_Free_Church.jpg