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Home > Heritage > Welcome to the Helensburgh Heritage Trust Gallery > Organisations
Country dancers
Members of the executive of the Helensburgh Country Dance Society at their annual Ball in the Queen's Hotel on December 4 1953. in the front row centre and third from right are branch founders Cathie Ramsay and Norah Dunn, and between them is branch president William Hunter, manager of James Simpson Ltd. in West Princes Street. In the background are members of an Australian pipe band which was visiting the district.

Country dancers

Members of the executive of the Helensburgh Country Dance Society at their annual Ball in the Queen's Hotel on December 4 1953. in the front row centre and third from right are branch founders Cathie Ramsay and Norah Dunn, and between them is branch president William Hunter, manager of James Simpson Ltd. in West Princes Street. In the background are members of an Australian pipe band which was visiting the district.

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