
Hermitage School Pupils 19624518 viewsSenior pupils at Hermitage School in 1962. Image supplied by Gordon Mickel.

Hermitage class1782 viewsClass 2B at Hermitage School, circa 1956. More details would be welcomed. Image supplied by Iain D.McAulay.

Academy opening2367 viewsProvost William Petrie OBE JP DL of Argyll and Bute Council, a former pupil who met his wife Jean at the original Hermitage School, officially opens the second Hermitage Academy at Colgrain on June 4 2008, watched by headmaster Geoff Urie.

Academy opening2238 viewsTalented young violinist Ryan Young plays a set of reels during the official opening of the second Hermitage Academy at Colgrain on June 4 2008. On the left of the picture is the Duke of Argyll. Photo by Donald Fullarton.

Academy opening2425 viewsAmerican guest Dr John Jackson speaks at the opening of the second Hermitage Academy at Colgrain on June 4 2008. He said a few words of greeting on behalf of the school's international links.

Hermitage School Class 19463404 viewsBack: Douglas McFarlane, Drew Kelly, Nevill Moffat, Ian Cairns (who supplied image), Billy McCubbin, ?, Ross Porteous, Donald McAulay (now Lord McAulay); 2nd back: ?, Brian Wilson, Tony Bird, Fergus Balfour, Ronnie Sneddon, George McKenzie, ?, Brian McIlwraith; 3rd back: ?, Brian Drever, ?, Pat Templeton, ?, Sheena McNeil, Margaret Sorley, ?, Grace Watt; seated: ?, Mary Todd, Valerie Smith, ?, Jessie McKinley, Marion Dixon, Ann Spy, Betty Williamson; front: ?, Alex Green, Charlie Lyon, Allister McArthur, Ian Trail.

Hermitage class 19431382 viewsA Hermitage Primary School class circa 1943. John McAllan, who supplied the image, is top row third from right, second row extreme right Robert Watt, second row middle Drew Ferguson, third row from top extreme right Douglas Lamb, third from right Jim Kennedy, sixth from right George Milne. Others include top row, far right Alister McLeod; third row down, far left Campbell Jardine; third row down, one in on the left Robin Adair; top row, four in from the left John Oswald; fourth row down, one in from the left Edith Clements; third row down, centre Iain Campbell. More names would be welcome. Image supplied by Iain Campbell.

Hermitage Prefects 19551268 viewsBack row (from left): Gordon Fraser, Tony Wright, Jim Maxwell, George Douglas, Alan Dunwoodie, Esme White, Josephine Park, Alistair McPherson, Margaret Johnstone, Bobby Lindsay, Sandy Peters, Stewart Douglas, Ian Paul; middle: Margaret McCulloch, Dykes Carswell, Margaret Rice, George Turnbull, Kathleen Turnbull, Neil Burgess, Katherine Taylor, Jimmy MacDonald, Isobel Thorburn, Stewart Clark, Florence Hendry, David Gall; front: Helen Orr, Joyce Mitchell, Ann Jardine, Isobel Thornton, Douglas Lamb, Headmaster George Mutch, Gillian Mutch, Megan Boak, Eleanor "Nelly" Kirkpatrick, Judith Peel, Elma Davis. Image kindly supplied by Gordon Fraser.

Hermitage School 1st Year Christmas Party 1951653 viewsBack row: Billy Wallace, Pat Grant, ?, Nancy Farrell, ?, ?, ?, ?, Heather Macdonald, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?; 2nd back: Mr Blain, Eleanor Hunter, Duncan Bulloch, ?, Neil Shaw, Joan Stewart, ?, ?, Eric Morrison, Elza Logan, Arthur Payne, ?, Donald Gilchrist, Sheena MacGregor, Eric Bowman, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?; 2nd front: ?, Eva MacKenzie, Duncan MacCallum, Barbara Ward, Jim Williamson, ?, Kenneth Murray, Elinor Strang, Ian McLeod, Ann Moffat, Evan MacGregor, ?, Ken MacLetchie, Sheila MacDonald, Jim MacPherson, Pat Patterson, Donald Maclean, Elaine Dodd, Jimmy Buchanan, Florence Johnson, Jean Hamilton, Mr McWatt; front: ?, ?, ?, Alan Wylie, Sally Osborne, Willie McSporran, Sheila Chisholm, ?, Betty Calder, ?, ?, ?, ?, Tommy MacRae, Josephine Park, Ian Hamilton, ?, Donald Lawrie, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. Image supplied by Donald Maclean.

Hermitage staff5002 viewsMembers of the staff of Hermitage School in East Argyle Street in the early 1960s. Back: Mr MacPhail, Miss Jamieson, unknown, Mr Patteson, Dr Simpson, Mr Brown, Archie Leitch, Mr Mackinnon, Mrs McLuskey, Miss Knox, Miss Wiltshire, Angus McWilliams; middle: Mrs Younger, Miss Howieson, Mrs Hier, Bill Yule, unknown, Mr Deuchars, Mr Smith, unknown, Mrs Betty Spy, Miss Henderson; front: unknown, Tom Murray, Mrs Purdie, Arthur Brocklebank, Miss Lennie, headmaster George Mutch, Miss Mair, David Malan, Miss Munro, Mr Barr, Miss Livesy.

Hermitage carvings2191 viewsCarvings from the frontage saved after the old Hermitage School in East Argyle Street was demolished. It was built in 1880 in late Gothic style for the School Board of Row on land formerly part of Hermitage House made available by the Cramb family, and demolished in 1977 by George Hood & Co. Ltd. This image compilation is from photos taken by Stewart Noble of the carvings, now in the garden of the home of Mr Hood's son Charlie.

Class of '583917 viewsA group of Hermitage School pupils pictured in 1958.
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