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Cardross class?1596 viewsA FORMER Helensburgh woman who now lives in Shetland is trying to find out more about her family history through this photograph. Cathy Shearer thinks that her mother told her that the photo was taken at Cardross School in the late 1890s. She believes that her grandfather, Robert Colquhoun, who was born at Auchensail Farm in 1884, is standing in the back row, second from the left. The photograph was taken and mounted by M.Pearlman & Co., of Glasgow, Paisley and Rothesay. If you have any more details please email the editor of this website.
Clarendon1242 viewsSt Bride's School teachers and boarders at Clarendon in 1958.
Clarendon2366 viewsA very old photograph of Clarendon in James Street, now the junior department of Lomond School. Date unknown.
Clyde Street School Choir2972 viewsWinners of the premier award at the Glasgow Music Festival in 1955, with music teacher Mrs Frances Gillies (then Miss Marshall) and head teacher Alex Douglas. Back: Marilyn White, -, Elizabeth Soutar, Anne Soutar, Mary McKinnon, -, the late Mrs Anne Hill, -, Molly Oswald; 2nd back: Mary Cranston, -, Rae Dennett, -, Donald Scott, -, Ronnie MacLean, -, Catriona McKinnon, Janet Fagan, -; 3rd back: Dolina Buchanan, -, Michael Kipling, Ilona Symons, Tom Spence, -, Jim Graham, -, -; front: -, -, Elizabeth Trail, -, Agnes Dennett, -, John McPhail, -, Willie Beeson, Elspeth Williamson, Rhoda McKinnon, Sheila Sommerville. More names would be welcomed.
Clyde Street School 19512598 viewsA picture of a class at Helensburgh's Clyde Street School. Image supplied by Alex Hunter, Ontario, Canada, who is in the front row, second from the right. The boy on his right is Joe McKell, who went on to become a well known local footballer. The teacher was Miss Laing. Alex would welcome any further information.
Clyde Street School 1953-42687 viewsA picture of a class at Helensburgh's Clyde Street School. Image supplied by Alex Hunter, Ontario, Canada, who is in the third row, second from the right. In the second row, fourth from left, is Mary MacKinnon, and on the extreme left of the front row is Joe McKell who went on to become a well known local footballer. Alex thinks the teacher was Miss Minto, and would welcome any more information.
Clyde Street School2182 viewsA Clyde Street Primary School class, circa 1962. Back row: ?, Royston Pearce, George Beggs, Peter Elliot, John Spy, ?, ?,
Edward McKell, Ronald Park, Billy McKechnie, ?, Harry Stenhouse; middle: Elizabeth Stewart, ?, Lesley Coll, Roderick McKenzie, William Bell, Kenneth Glendye, Neil Harper, ?, Duncan Campbell, Jim Urquhart, Simon Fraser, Colin Reid, Caroline ?; front: Janet Shields, Kathleen Hamilton, Terry ?, Fiona Grant, Helen McWilliams, Hazel Towler, Mary Ross, Susan Taylor, Anne-Marie ?, Elspeth Robertson, Catherine ?. Image supplied by Sue Taylor.
Clyde Street School 2167 viewsA Clyde Street Primary School class, circa 1964. Back row: Ronald Park, Kenneth Glendye, Jim Urquhart, Duncan Campbell, William Bell, Neil Harper, Edward McKell, John Spy, ?; middle: Susan Taylor, Jacqueline Craig, Helen McWilliams, Mary Ross, Lesley ?, Lesley Coll, Fiona Grant, Elspeth Robertson, Kathleen Hamilton; front sitting: Royston Pearce, ?, Janet Shields, ?, Terry ?, ?, Catherine ?, Elizabeth Stewart, Billy McKechnie; on floor: ?, Simon Fraser, ?, George Beggs. Image supplied by Sue Taylor.
Clyde Street School class 19532707 viewsBack row: Jim Graham, Donald Scott, X, Ronnie McLean, X, X, X, X; 2nd back row: X, Campbell Mackie, X, X, X, X, James Spalding, X; middle row: Sheila Somerville, Pauline Aitken, Janet Fagan, Rae Dennett, X, Molly Oswald, X, Catriona McKinnon, X; 2nd front row: Avril Johnston(e) X, X, X, X, Marilyn White, X, X, Sylvia Gilchrist, X; front row: X, X, X, Charlie McGoldrick,, X, Rae Dewar, Netta Adamson. Image supplied by Jim Graham. More names would be welcomed.
Coronation tree planting2411 viewsAlex Douglas, headmaster of Clyde Street School, teacher Miss Laing, and some of their pupils plant a tree outside 27 East Montrose Street, Helensburgh, to mark the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth on June 2 1953. Image supplied by Alex Hunter, now of Ontario, Canada, who is the boy holding the shovel, and taken by Alexandria press photographer Peter Leddy.
The Coronation Trees3394 viewsHelensburgh pupils planted trees to celebrate the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953. This Larchfield and St Bride's Schools — now Lomond School — group planted their tree on Stafford Street at James Street. From left: Heather Reid, Sheila Thom, Christopher Grieve, Catherine Burnet, Barbara Miller, Andrew Nicholson, Judith Read, the late Pat Wright, Hilda Dow, unknown girl, Susan Billings, Diana Heron, Hamish Brownlie, Alistair Martin, Donald Fullarton, the late Alan Miller.
Cumberland burns790 viewsThe Clyde Industrial Training Ship Association vessel Cumberland, moored off Rhu from 1869-89, was destroyed by fire — allegedly arson by five boy pupils — and sold for scrap. The illustrations are from 'The Graphic' newspaper of the time.
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