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Bicentenary stars
As part of the burgh bicentenary celebrations in 2002 a play about the granting of the burgh charter was performed. In the cast (from left) were Stewart Noble as King George III, Calum McNicol as the town crier, and Jim Ritchie as Sir James Colquhoun.

Bicentenary stars

As part of the burgh bicentenary celebrations in 2002 a play about the granting of the burgh charter was performed. In the cast (from left) were Stewart Noble as King George III, Calum McNicol as the town crier, and Jim Ritchie as Sir James Colquhoun.

Glen-at-Glen-Drive-w.jpg Hermitage_Hospital3352.jpg HHT-2002-play-w.jpg Iona-Colquhoun-wed.jpg Kirkmichael_gala_day_199317.jpg